Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm back and ready for more....

Hey gang, 

It's been a helluva long time since my last post - as I've been finishing up my time here at VFS and finishing up the demo reel/short film.  I will be posting the reel at a later date as I get the final cut and such.  I've had a great time at VFS and have learnt a lot, made many friends and wish the best to all of them.  But I am going to showcase where I was this past weekend, attending the awesome and amazing CALGARY EXPO, where I had an artist alley's table, drawing for people, seeing some stars, and amazingly I didn't buy a whole swack load of toys/action figures or any type of memorabilia.  So here are some pictures of the costumes, me, and some of the convention sketches I did at the show.  I will be posting up my demo reel soon as soon as I get it.  So stay tuned.

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